Hi, I have two dates in the following format:
1) <xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@Status_x0020_Date) ,1033 ,'yyyy-MM-dd ')" />
2)<xsl:value-of select="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(../../../Strategic_Items_Daily_Status/Rows/Row/@Status_x0020_for_x0020_Last_x002) ,1033 ,'yyyy-MM-dd ')" />
I am using SharePoint Designer to create a condition to compare these values. Status Date should be greater than or equal to Status for Last Month.
I started with checking if Status Date is greater than or eqal to Status for Last Month but I think SPD gets the "translate" wrong. Any ideas?
[@Item_x0020_ID = $dvt_ParentRow/@ID and
<= number(translate(substring-before($Today,'T'),'-',''))]
The output of the dates on the page are like 2010-09-01.
Thanks in advance.
Edit: the problem is that I don't get any output, only if I have status date is not equal to status for last month.