I abandoned inlining templates through scripttags as my view layer would create redundant duplicate script templates. Instead I placed the templates back into the JavaScript as string:
var tpl = ''.concat(
'<div class="person">',
'<span class="name">${name}</span>',
'<span class="lastname">${lastName}</span>',
I used the string concat trick so I could make the template string readable. There are variations to the trick like an array join or simply additive concatenation. In any case, inline script templates works and works well, but in a php/jsp/asp view layer, chances are you will create redundant duplicate script templates unless you do even more work to avoid it.
Furthermore, these templates become rather complex the more logic you have to add to them, so I looked further and found mustache.js which imo. is far superior and keeps the logic (conditions and dynamic variable definitions) in the JavaScript scope.
Another option would be to retreive template strings through ajax, in which case you can put each template inside it's own file and simply grant it a .tpl extention. The only thing you have to worry about is the http request roundtrip, which should not take too long for small .tpl files and is imo. insignificant enough.