




I am of late working on gcc compiler. whenevr i m compiling my code, m encountering problem with declaration of structure. How to tackle this problem. Do i need to write the syntax differently in gcc?. if yes, how? please suggest something.


You should provide some code and error message, given by gcc for this code.

As far as I know, gcc conforms C standards.

this would be better as a comment than an answer.
Philip Potter
+1  A: 

I am reasonably sure gcc conforms to C standards, for a more succinct explanation than one found in the standard, please, turn to pages 148-150 of C: A Reference Manual.

So something simple like this linked list element:

struct foo 
  int a;
  float b;
  char *s;
  struct foo *next;
} my_struct;

should work.

If your needs are more complex.. then you should post your non-working example.

EDIT: If you don't have access to CAR then this will suffice for now: http://publications.gbdirect.co.uk/c_book/chapter6/structures.html (obviously not C99)
