I'm in trouble with my nesC code. In my code I send a first packet using AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &packet, sizeof(rd_message))
After that, when a message is received in function event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t* bufPtr, void* payload, uint8_t len){
a reply is generated and sent successfully, but the other nodes are not able to receive the reply. In particular I have to process a RREP reply, following the basics of DSR protocol.
This is my code:
/**********************Variables used*****************************/
short phase = 0;
message_t packet;
bool locked;
event void Boot.booted(){
dbg("Boot", "Node %hhu booted\n", TOS_NODE_ID);
call AMControl.start();
event void MilliTimer.fired(){
/*This contains the discovery message*/
rd_message *rreq = NULL;
if (phase == 0){
//Route discovery phase
rreq = (rd_message *) call Packet.getPayload(&packet, (int) NULL);
if(call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &packet, sizeof(rd_message)) == SUCCESS){
//locked = TRUE;
event message_t* Receive.receive(message_t* bufPtr, void* payload, uint8_t len){
rd_message *received_mex = NULL;
rd_message *reply_mex = NULL;
int i,j;
received_mex = (rd_message*) payload; //cast to rd_message
if (received_mex->type == RREQ){
reply_mex = (rd_message*) call Packet.getPayload(&packet, (int) NULL); //reply packet is created.
if (received_mex->sender_id == TOS_NODE_ID){
//The original sender received its RREQ. Stopping the forward procedure
return bufPtr; //FIXME: see if it's correct to return null here
//RREQ message case 1: I am not the receiver_id
if (received_mex->receiver_id != TOS_NODE_ID){
else if (received_mex->receiver_id == TOS_NODE_ID){
//I am the receiver of the RREQ message. I can now reply with a RREP
if (call AMSend.send(AM_BROADCAST_ADDR, &packet, sizeof(rd_message)) == SUCCESS) {
dbg("dsr", "packet sent\n");
//locked = TRUE;
dbg("dsr", "failed to send reply packet.\n");
else if (received_mex->type == RREP){
return bufPtr;
event void AMSend.sendDone(message_t* bufPtr, error_t error) {
if (&packet == bufPtr) {
//locked = FALSE;
I removed all the logic from the code to focus on the message exchange calls. I hope that someone can help me... thanks.