Hi there-
I have a list of objects which I built with a class, and one of the properties of this class is the variable "tag". (below called tagList)
I am trying to match this variable from a record that is bought in using MySQLdb. (below called record)
I can output both to the screen, and see them identically by eye, although cannot get any if statement to match them.
I have tried several approaches, such as:
if str(tagList[i].tag)[2:6] is record[2]:
if str(tagList[i].tag)[2:6] is str(record[2]):
and other similar things. ([2:6] just to remove the [' '] from the list element. Printing these variables to the screen does show they are in the correct format, and I must be doing something stupid!
Still new to both Python and MySQL so would appreciate any advice!