I know you are using the Dynamic options script, but I thought that I would put up a quick from scratch solution. The code is a little verbose, but I am hoping it will be easier to see whats going on this way. The final working page is here: http://ryanscook.com/Files/DropDownListTest.htm
Lets start by assuming you have this html:
<select id="parentList" onchange="parentList_OnChange(this)">
<option>Choose an option</option>
<option value="A">A</option>
<option value="B">B</option>
<option value="C">C</option>
<option value="D">D</option>
<select id="childList1"></select>
<select id="childList2"></select>
You will notice that we have an onchange handler, here is the java script:
// Data for child list 1, this is a of the parent value to one or more options
var childList1Data = {
"A": ["ChildList1 - A1", "ChildList1 - A2", "ChildList1 - A3"],
"B": ["ChildList1 - B1"],
"C": ["ChildList1 - C1", "ChildList1 - C2"],
"D": ["ChildList1 - D1", "ChildList1 - D2"]
// Data for child list 2, this is a of the parent value to one or more options
var childList2Data = {
"A": ["ChildList2 - A1", "ChildList2 - A2"],
"B": ["ChildList2 - B1", "ChildList2 - B2", "ChildList2 - B3"],
"C": ["ChildList2 - C1", "ChildList2 - C2"],
"D": ["ChildList2 - D1"]
// onchange is called when the parent value is changed
function parentList_OnChange(objParentList) {
var child1 = document.getElementById("childList1");
var child2 = document.getElementById("childList2");
// Remove all options from both child lists
// Lookup and get the array of values for child list 1, using the parents selected value
var child1Data = childList1Data[objParentList.options[objParentList.selectedIndex].value];
// Add the options to child list 1
if (child1Data) {
for (var i = 0; i < child1Data.length; i++) {
child1.options[i] = new Option(child1Data[i], child1Data[i]);
// Do the same for the second list
var child2Data = childList2Data[objParentList.options[objParentList.selectedIndex].value];
if (child2Data) {
for (var i = 0; i < child2Data.length; i++) {
child2.options[i] = new Option(child2Data[i], child2Data[i]);
function removeOptions(objSelect) {
while (objSelect.options.length > 0)
objSelect.options[0] = null;
I hope this helps and was not to far off from your question.