



I looked around the web and didn't get any good answers. I've got a really basic form and looking to add a captcha control to it so the client doesn't get spammed (at least, not any more than usual). I'd like to use google's reCaptcha but I'm not really sure where to start with infopath. A template part might be a good start, but I'm completely green to infopath, period. I've got it to show me the code behind so I feel a lot more comfortable there.

A huge question I have is simple "was it designed with this in mind" and I don't think it was. Not a bad thing, but this might be the wrong tool for the job. These forms really don't change - the existing ones haven't been touched outside of simple formatting for a few years, but they'd like the ability to do so.

I know this is going to go far deeper than this basic question but I'll start with - how do you go about using captcha and infopath (2007)?