



Hello, i been having problem...

first of this is for android.

I have created a Serializable ArrayList<E> class that extends ArrayList<E> and implements Serializable. This class works flawlessly when saving and loading ArrayList<String>.

Now i am trying to save and reload a SerializableArrayList<Overlay>.

at first i couldn't save the SerializableArrayList<Overlay> because GeoPoint is not Serializable. so i created a SerializableGeoPoint class the extends GeoPoint and implements Serializable.

using SerializableArrayList and SerializableGeoPoint i can save to a file, but i can not load the SerializableArrayList<Overlay>.

When i try to load from the saved file, i get the following error.

08-30 20:26:36.254: WARN/System.err(4087):; IllegalAccessException

i have tryed creating a no arg constructor for SerializableGeoPoint and making sure that both Serializable classes have the same serialVersionUID.

Thank you for your time, i hope to fix this soon