Task: For a given position in 2D array generate list of surrounding positions located in radius.
For example:
input: (1, 1)
radius: 1
output: ( (0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0),
(0, 1), (2, 1),
(0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2) ).
I wrote something like
def getPositions(x:Int, y:Int, r:Int) = {
for(radius <- 1 to r) yield {
for (dx <- -radius to radius) yield Pair(x + dx, y - radius),
for (dx <- -radius to radius) yield Pair(x + dx, y + radius),
for (dy <- -radius to radius) yield Pair(x + radius, y + dy),
for (dy <- -radius to radius) yield Pair(x - radius, y + dy)
In this code getPositions returns not a sequance of points, but a sequance of Tuple4 of sequances of points. How can I "concatenate" 4 generators listed in code? Or is there more concise solution for my task? (I'm pretty new to scala).
P.S. It's actually for my starcraft bot.