



I need retrieve data from 2 tables at the same time, the tables are not linked by foreigns keys or such.

$query1 = "select idemployee from employee where address like 'Park Avenue, 23421'";
$query2   "select idcompany from company where bossName  like 'Peter'";

How can I do this with a kinda thread in PHP?. I've heard that threads are no safe in PHP.


I got an input field that needs to looks data in both tables, is like search on both tables and show the posible results based on the employee address or boss's name, so you can type an address or just the boss's name. It's just a representation on what I need


Depends on what do you want to do with those queries. If, for example, you are using an AJAX form and can make two requests, you should create separate scripts, where each returns the results for each query. That is effectively running them in separate processes, so they execute simultaneously.

There is no such thing as threading per se in PHP, you can see a hack around it here (using full fledged processes.)

Vinko Vrsalovic
While your answer certainly works on paper, I doubt it is an architecturally-sound decision. If he *really* wants them in the same query, he needs to create some sort of Xref table and do the appropriate JOINs.
@hopeseekr: In general, I agree that combining unrelated queries is not architecturally sound. But I don't think that inventing some sort of Xref table where none exist to have them in the same query is any more sound. The basic problem is why does the OP need threads, every thread simulation will either be a hack or just plain fork().
Vinko Vrsalovic
@Vinko Vrsalovic: What makes you think he needs threads at all? I think he's honestly confused ;-)
@hopeseekr: I just tend to answer the questions, not guess motives (my fault! :). Although I agree he's probably confused
Vinko Vrsalovic
+1  A: 


$query1 = "select idemployee from employee where address like ?";
$query2 =  "select idcompany from company where bossName  like ?";

$stmt1 = $pdo->prepare($query1);
$stmt1->execute(array('Park Avenue, 23421'));
$employee = $stmt1->fetch();

$stmt2 = $pdo->prepare($query2);
$company = $stmt2->fetch();

What am I missing?

You are missing the point of the question. He wants to parallelize the execution of the queries. That will probably not make much sense in most cases.
Vinko Vrsalovic
But the question is **why**? If he wants to get them all in the same query, see my counter answer below that uses an XRef.
@hopeseekr: Beats me. I agree that with a why he might get the correct answer.
Vinko Vrsalovic

Counter answer to my previous:

Create a new table

CREATE TABLE EmployeeBossXref (
    id INT auto_increment,
    employee_id INT,
    boss_id INT,
    company_id INT,
    FOREIGN KEY (employee_id) REFERENCES Employee(id),
    FOREIGN KEY (boss_id) REFERENCES Employee(id),
    FOREIGN KEY (company_id) REFERENCES Company(id)

Then change SQL to:

select,, FROM Employee 
JOIN EmployeeBossXref ebx ON 
JOIN Employee Boss ON
JOIN Company ON
WHERE Employee.address LIKE 'Park Avenue, 23421'
  AND LIKE 'Peter';

With this system, all bosses are employees (which they logically are!), employees can have more than one, or no boss.


You dont. Do you have an engineering reason you need to do this?

Making two queries simultaneously is still going to hit the same database, and the database is going to do the same amount of work. Its not going to make anything faster, and, you'll have the overhead of the additional threads/processes being created.

If you really need better concurrency, consider a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) real-time replicated database for SELECT queries, to offload some of the work from the main database.

+2  A: 

Either use a single query, or look into something like Gearman to have workers performing jobs asynchronously (I assume the current code is only an example: if the queries you have there are performing so badly you want to perform them async. then you most likely have a database problem). Having some deamon processes ready to go to perform tasks is relatively simple.


wow, @wrikken, I don't care if you didn't win the answer, informing me of Gearman was so worth it!
+1  A: 

You could use MYSQLI_ASYNC and (both only available with php 5.3+ and mysqlnd).
But then you'll need a separate connection to the MySQL server for each query.

good point, thanks.
Felix Guerrero