I'm just starting to learn Entity Framework 4, and am a bit confused about how pivot tables enter the mix. Case in point: I'm migrating a video game review site from PHP 5/Kohana framework to ASP.NET MVC 2. I have a few pivot tables to map the many-to-many relationships I have. Example:
Video games can be available for several platforms (the Grand Theft Auto series, for instance, is available on XBox 360, Playstation 3, PC, PSP, and even Nintendo DS). And, naturally, each platform has a library of games. So, I have a table named GamesPlatforms that acts as a pivot between, well, games and platforms:
- GamesPlatformsID -- int, primary key, identity
- GameID -- int, foreign key from the Games table
- PlatofrmID -- int, foreign key from the Platforms table
I'm just having a hard time seeing how this would be translated into EF4 navigation properties, and, in turn, how I could write LINQ queries rather than traditional JOINs. Is it as simple as something like:
using(var context = MyEntities();)
var gamePlatformCount = (from gpc in context.Games
where gpc.GamesPlatforms.Platforms.Name == "XBox 360"
select gpc).Count();
Basically, I just want to know if I'm on the right track, as none of the tutorials I've seen deal with many-to-many relationships.