I am having a very strange problem. I have a very large regular expression searching for certain words in some text (RegEx looks something like this: (?i)\b(a|b|c|d...)\b;
and so on where a, b, c, d, represent words). Anyway, I put it in a pre compiled assembly to speed things up a bit, however the problem is that pre compiled regex does not work the same way as a non compiled version of the same regex... o_0
For example if the regex is: (?i)\b(he|desk)\b
and I pass "helpdesk" through it the pre compiled version returns "lp" so the words he and desk gets striped out as if the boundary condition is not working at all, however if I do use exactly the same regular expression a non pre compiled version it works just fine...
Does anyone know if I may be missing anything?
(Sorry using VB.Net and C#)