




I'm looking to buy a good DirectX reference book for offline reading.
I'd like it to be more advanced then not, DirectX 9 ideally but prepared to buy 10 if it looks/sounds good.


+1  A: 

The quickest way to learn DirectX is to start with the simple examples in the DirectX SDK (learning about the basics) and then progressing with a number of books including the "Direct3D Shader X" to "Direct3D Shader X5" books. The "GPU Gems" book series are also excellent.

Just search for the books on www.amazon.com to get the details.

If you need to learn about basic 3D then "Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics" by Eric Lengyel is an excellent start.

All GPU Gems books are available for free now on the nvidia homepage [http://developer.nvidia.com/page/documentation.html]. However, the GPU Gems books usually contain some advanced algorithms, and are not that good for starters.
^ The link above, by the way, is: http://developer.nvidia.com/page/documentation.html (somehow a square bracket got stuck on the end of it)
+2  A: 

There's no point learning DX9 as DX10 changes quite a bit. Depends whether you are looking to learn the fixed function pipeline first or go straight to shader based rendering. Both use the same sort of concepts but they are very very different in implementation and so books don't really do both, certainly not well.

Dan Revell
That's good advice thanks.
Adam Naylor

My book, The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline, is free for download.
