



Need to write a SQL query to search special character in a column. Text needed to search is 'R&D' but issue is that SQL server 2005 is taking it as a logical operator.

Any help?

+1  A: 
Select * From dbo.MyTable
Where MyColumn like '%R&D%'

or you could use this instead of like:

Select * From dbo.MyTable
Where PatIndex('%R&D%', MyColumn) > 0
Like is taking so much time. Any other option?
declare @tbl table
    textcol varchar(50)

insert into @tbl select 'R&D'
insert into @tbl select 'What is R&D'
insert into @tbl select 'SometextR&DAndsometext'
insert into @tbl select 'This Row will not return'

select * from @tbl where textcol like '%R&D%'
Muhammad Kashif Nadeem
Like is taking so much time. Any other option?
How much time? What is the data type of your column? What kind of data do you have?
Muhammad Kashif Nadeem
Comparetively long. Right now we are looking for alternatives. If found, great, not, live with it. Datatype of column is text. Data is huge chunk of text character.
To be accurate, it is taking 1 min and 47 sec using LIKE .. :(

I guess you are using parameters, correct?
Because if you do NOT use parameters, it works (see the other answers).

What doesn't work is this:

declare @tmp nvarchar(20)
set @tmp = 'R&D'

select * from MyTable where MyColumn = @tmp

The only way that I found to make it work with parameters is doing it like this:

declare @tmp nvarchar(20)
set @tmp = 'R&D'

select * from MyTable where MyColumn like '%' + @tmp + '%'


First of all, I need to know if you're using parameters or not.

If not, I don't understand the problem at all.
One of these will work (with or without LIKE):

select * from MyTable where MyColumn = 'R&D'
select * from MyTable where MyColumn like '%R&D%'

If you do work with parameters, my above solution ( ... like '%' + @tmp + '%') is the only one that I know of.


Now that I know that the data type is "text": The problem is that you can only search text with LIKE (not with '=') and you can't index a text column to increase speed.
The text data type is deprecated, so you should change it into varchar(max) anyway.
And varchar(max) doesn't have the limitations that text has: you can search it with '=' and you can index it.

So that would be the correct solution: change it from text to varchar(max) and everything will work!

Like is taking so much time. Any other option?

If you are using Contains() then wrapping double speechmarks around the search term might help

select Column_Name from Table_Name where contains(Column_Name,'"R&D"') 
noops. not worked.. :(