



Dear all,

I have a weird problem with IE8 while using fancybox and gmap together. Firefox and Safari work fine.

I load a map in an iframe that is then opened with fancybox.

<iframe src="path/gmap.php?mapId=1" width="300" height="300" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" frame="none"></iframe>

On the map, you can see a polygon.

If you look at the picture at, you can see on the right what should be displayed (that's what you can see on FF & Safari) and on the left, that's what you can see on IE8 (I did not try yet with 7 and 6).

The polygon is well drawn, but the map is not zoomed and not centered.

If I try a direct access to the map URL with IE8, it works fine !

Does anyone already had the problem ? Any help welcome !

Thank you in advance and best regards, Malik

A: saved my life ! Problem closed, hourra !