




I already spent the whole week trying to find a way to control the playback speed of a wav file on silverlight.

I'm using silverlight 4 and the media element doesn't contain the speedratio property so I was wondering if there isn't a hack to do so... what I need is control the playback speed with a slider control... if in the middle it plays at normal speed, pushing to the right makes it faster and pushing to the left would make it slower... my deadline is getting close and I still can't find the solution

I would really appreciate some help on this.

Best Regards


I am trying to do the same (playback speed control using silverlight) but with a mp3 file. i have been told that there is a way to do it with raw wav file but cant be done with either compressed wav or mp3. Anyone know of hack to do that?

I know how you can accomplish that... search at codeplex for salusethat will get a wav raw samples from mp3 on the fly, the problem is still can't do it with a wav file... or with the raw samples...if you have more info about this topic I would really appreciate that you help me too ;)
Also I can tell you that the Framework 4.0 have speed ratio on MediaElement, still I don't understand why did they removed it from Silverlight