



I'm using mootools.

There's a page with ajax tabs. On click, the new tab gets loaded using the mootools Request.HTML command.

Because there will be some very timeconsuming SQL Queries in the background, I'm displaying a spinning icon until the page has loaded (see code).

122       $('detailContent').set('html', '<img src="common/img/ajax-loader-big.gif" alt="Loading content..." class="tabSwitchSpinner" />');
123       new Request.HTML({
124         url: url,
125         method: 'get',
126         evalScripts: true,
127         update: $('detailContent')
128       }).send();
129       $('detailNavi').getElement('.active').set('class', '');
130       this.getParent('li').set('class', 'active');

This works great for pages that take a while to load, but if I load a page that only takes half a second to load, the spinning icon flashes up quickly and distracts the user.

How can I change this code, so that the icon only gets shown (line 122) if the Request takes longer than half a second?

Edit: To clarify the problem, I need a behavior as following:

  • Tab takes 200ms to load - Tab switches directly
  • Tab takes 1600ms to load - After 500ms the current tab changes to the spinning "ajax loading" icon, and after another 1100ms the new tab loads
+2  A: 

what andrew said, only i'd use onRequest as the trigger event:

var timer;

new Request.HTML({
    url: '/ajax_html_echo/',
    data: {
        'html': "request complete"
    method: 'post',
    update: 'target_div',
    onRequest: function() {
        timer = (function() {
  "target_div").set("html", "<img src='' />");
    onSuccess: function() {

    onComplete: function() {

jsfiddle is a good example as it artificially adds between 1 and 5 seconds delay on all test requests to simulate network lag.

Dimitar Christoff
This works great in Firefox, but doesn't seem to work in Chromium (the icon shows up after 500ms, but if it shows up, the content doesn't get updated). I suspect a bug.
The Chrome/Chromium problem seems to be a conflict with Google maps, I'll debug that separately. Thanks for your solution, looks great!