



Hi, I'm using the lastest version of Wix 3.5 and I'm trying to generate a fragment file using heat.exe. The command line is :

"%WIX%\bin\heat.exe" project "MyProj.csproj" -pog Binaries -pog Content -suid -directoryid 
INSTALLLOCATION -ag -template fragment -out "Files.wxs"

The prolem I'm having is that the assemblies my project is depending uppon are missing from the generated file. Is this the intended behaviour ? How can I add them ?

Should I use the dir harvesting type ?! How to remove *.pdb or *.vshost.exe then ?

I want to use it with CI Server (TeamCity)

edit: I tryied -pog Satellites and doesn't work either


In our CI build we are using WiX with hand crafted wxs files.
Here is content of the build file:

<Target Name="BuildSetup"  DependsOnTargets="BuildSetupVersion">
    <Exec Command="$(WIX-ToolPath)\candle.exe -nologo -out $(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Debug\Designer.wxs UI_RUS.wxs Bin.wxs" WorkingDirectory = "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Debug"/>
    <Exec Command="$(WIX-ToolPath)\light.exe -wx -out Setup_$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision).msi Designer.wixobj UI_RUS.wixobj Bin.wixobj" WorkingDirectory = "$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Debug"/>
    <Message Text="##teamcity[publishArtifacts '$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\bin\Debug\Setup_$(Major).$(Minor).$(Build).$(Revision).msi']"/>-->

Designer.wxs - contains program specific msi info (UpgradeCode, msi Version, and Package info).
UI_culture(RUS in this example).wxs - contains custom localized WiX UI.
Bin.wxs - contain all needed files.(you can automate it with wxi generation and using WiX's includes), but we simply write this file manually.

Sergey Mirvoda
Hi, this is interesting stuff but doesn't answer the question : why doesn't heat.exe generate entries for the dependent assemblies with project harvesting
Catalin DICU
@Catalin DICU. Yes I know. But I answered this way only because of out of luck with same task. After week of fighting with heat we decided to write some wxs files manually and some via generating wxi file with msbuild.
Sergey Mirvoda
I ended up by using directory harvesting but it's puts the .pdb-s too. Not a big deal, I did't tried to filter them out using xslt; don't know if that would work
Catalin DICU