You want the Google Analytics Event Tracking API.
This allows you to insert events into the JavaScript code of your web page that are registered in Google Analytics. Something like this:
<a href="#" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Images', 'View', 'Specific Image Name']);">Play</a>
or more realistically, something like this:
function openLightbox(id) {
// your code to open the lightbox here
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Images', 'View', 'Specific Image Name']);
<a href="#" onClick="openLightbox(7);">Play</a>
A little bit of Firebug spelunking reveals that the Fancybox left and right arrows are anchor tags like so:
<a id="fancybox-right">
<span id="fancybox-right-ico" class="fancy-ico"></span>
So you can hook the click event like so:
$("#fancybox-right").click(function(){ alert("hi"); });
jQuery adds this click handler to a collection of click handlers, which will all fire when the button is clicked. Therefore the original behavior of the button will be preserved.
In this case, it would be more useful to climb around to the "#fancybox-inner" sibling and retrieve the image url.
$("#fancybox-right").click(function() {
alert( $("#fancybox-inner > img").attr("src") );
Or, to hit the Google Analytics Event API
$("#fancybox-right").click(function() {
var image_url = $("#fancybox-inner > img").attr("src");
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Images', 'Click Right', image_url]);
$("#fancybox-left").click(function() {
var image_url = $("#fancybox-inner > img").attr("src");
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Images', 'Click Left', image_url]);