



This is really just re-asking this question asked about Visual Studio 2008. Does VS2010 offer any feature to get rid of the CS1591 compiler warning for auto-generated code?

CS1591: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member

To quote the question for VS2008:

This is an annoyance more than a problem. My project contains a number of autogenerated files (using mgmtclassgen.exe). When I generate the XML documentation, my beautifully commented library is plagued by xml documentation warnings from these autogen files.

Is there a way to either a) suppress generating documentation for these files or b) suppress warning CS1591 just for a set of files? I obviously do not want to modify files that are autogenerated, even if to just add suppression pragmas.

EDIT: In my case, the offending files are generated by WCF RIA Services, so the file that is generating the errors is the auto-generated WebContext class (MyProject.BusinessApplication.Web.g.cs).

I cannot hand modify this file because it is generated on the fly, all changes will be wiped out. I also don't want to globally disable the warning, as it is helpful in my non-autogenerated code.


I think this will help you:

missing xml comment for publicly visible type or member

Leniel Macaferi
unfortunately no. i don't want to disable the warning (it is helpful in non-autogenerated code), and i don't want to modify the offending files directly since they are auto-generated.
Andrew Garrison