




I searched and couldn't find anything releated to this topic. When using Visual Studio 2010 for a WCF library, you can right-click it and publish the WCF Library, which generates/creates the .svc and web.config file as well as deploys it. I have been trying to mimic this in msbuild and have had no success. Is this possible? I have build scripts to deploy a WCF application, website, and have had no luck using these scripts to successfully deploy a WCF library. When i do use them, it compiles the Dll's but not the .svc or web.config file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Publishing WCF library is build in feature of Visual Studio which is not related to MSBuild. So unless you create your own MSBuild task or simulate behavior with using of other tasks you will not be able to do that.

Ladislav Mrnka

You should check out Wix I believe it should be able to do what you ask, it is just a huge learning curve.
