



Can anyone tell me (or send a link) step-by-step instructions of creating a vector image in expression design and importing it into Visual Studio and using it as the content of a control?

+1  A: 
  1. Open Design
  2. Draw Something
  3. File | Export Format = WPF Resource Dictionary This will produce a Drawing Brush of your object

  4. In your WPF application create a rectangle

  5. Set the Retangle Fill Property to the drawing brush created in design

Here is what the WPF code looks like (where that drawing brush is what I exported from Design:

<Window x:Class="StackOverflow.Window1"
        Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300">

        <DrawingBrush x:Key="Layer_1" Stretch="Uniform">
                        <GeometryDrawing Brush="#FFFFFFFF" Geometry="F1 M 0.5,21.0313C 75,88.0313 57.5,-51.4688 1.5,22.5313">
                                <Pen LineJoin="Round" Brush="#FF000000"/>
        <Rectangle Fill="{StaticResource Layer_1}" />
I'm getting "The Resource 'Layer_1' could not be resolved" which is the name of my brush. The definition of my DrawingBrush is in the xaml file created by Expression Design. I have this file's build action to be a resource. Is that correct?
Lee Warner
If you leave the drawing brush in the XAML file that Expression design creates then you need to merge in the resource dictionary. In my example I copied the drawing brush out of the file Expression Design created to simplify things, I suggest you do the same if you are not familiar with merged dictionaries in WPF.