Ive just had some fantastic help from Sandeepan, thank you!
Please can anyone see what I have done wrong with this ....
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javasript">
function addItemToUsersList(itemId)
'url': 'member-bucketadd-execTEST.php',
'type': 'GET',
'dataType': 'json',
'data': {itemid: itemId},
'success': function(data)
$("span#success"+itemId).attr("innerHTML","Item added to your personal list");
$("span#success"+itemId).attr("innerHTML","This item is already on your list");
beforeSend: function()
$("span#success"+itemId).attr("innerHTML","Adding item to your bucketlist...");
'error': function(data)
// what happens if the request fails.
$("span#success"+itemId).attr("innerHTML","An error occureed");
Then the button to activate the function in :
<a onclick='addItemToUsersList("<?php echo $itemid ; ?>")'> Add<img src='images/plus-green.png' /> </a>
and the exec page:
if($bucketlist < 1)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO membersbuckets (memberbucketid, userid, bucketid, complete)
VALUES ('', '$userid', '$_GET['itemId]', '0')");
return json_encode(array("status" => true, "added" => true));
return json_encode(array("status" => true, "added" => false));
//echo "You are being directed to your bucket list, please wait a few moments...<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=mybucketlist.php'/>";
The links are showing up as links but nothing happens when I click them!! Here is the test page I am working on http://olbl.co.uk/showbucketsTEST.php Thank you in advance!