I'm using the Jquery UI autocomplete on an existing project. Well, the performance is dog slow, especially when executing the
input.autocomplete("search", "");
My solution was to cache the information, so even though its dog slow it only occurs once. I think I'm missing a very simple Javascript bug and I would really appreciate some help chasing it down.
Here is the code
delay: 0,
minLength: 0,
source: function (request, response)
if (request.term in cache)
// The source of the auto-complete is a function that returns all the select element's child option elements.
var matcher = new RegExp($.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i");
response(select.children("option").map(function ()
var text = $(this).text();
if (this.value && (!request.term || matcher.test(text)))
cache[request.term] = text;
return { label: text, value: text, option: this };
select: function (event, ui)
// On the select event, trigger the "selected" event with the selected option. Also update the select element
// so it's selected option is the same.
ui.item.option.selected = true;
self._trigger("selected", event,
item: ui.item.option
change: function (event, ui)
// On the change event, reset to the last selection since it didn't match anything.
if (!ui.item)
return false;
// Add a combo-box button on the right side of the input box. It is the same height as the adjacent input element.
var autocompleteButton = $("<button type='button' />");
autocompleteButton.attr("tabIndex", -1)
.attr("title", "Show All Items")
.append($("<span />"))
autocompleteButton.click(function ()
// If the menu is already open, close it.
if (input.autocomplete("widget").is(":visible"))
// Pass an empty string as value to search for -- this will display all results.
input.autocomplete("search", "");
Almost all of it is default jquery UI combobox example code with the exception of my feeble caching attempt. It is returning each character in the dropdown.
For example if a returned solution set is rabble, and the next was foobar the "Cached data" will look like this f o o b a r each on its own line
I need it to be rabble foobar
It would be really nice if this also worked for an empty string as thats my most taxing call.
Thanks for your help