



I am trying to convert the following in Perl to PowerShell, I am stuck on the MD5 Digest and Create.

perl -e  "use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); print md5_hex('$key' . '$secret' . $timestamp);"

For testing purposes I am setting the time stamp to a static number. That way I can compare what Perl says and what PowerShell says. I'v tried out a few MD5 and [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm] attempts but so far I have manged to little more than confuse myself.

In Perl....

> perl -e  "use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); print md5_hex('this-is-my-key' . 'secret' . '1283473470');"
> a135923fb8e579463f312b69528d243c

In PowerShell

>_ 'this-is-my-key.secret.1283473470' | Get-Hash

Algorithm: MD5

Path       :
HashString : 04BF4CA4BF3E34C83F0B11970205580D
+2  A: 

There is a Get-Hash cmdlet in the PowerShell Community Extensions. Give it a try.

PS> 'this-is-my-key.secret.1283473470' | Get-Hash

Algorithm: MD5

Path       :
HashString : 04BF4CA4BF3E34C83F0B11970205580D

or if the string needs to be interpreted as ASCII:

PS> $foo = 'THIS-is-my-keysecret1283473470'
PS> $foo.ToLower() | Get-Hash -StringEncoding ascii

Algorithm: MD5

Path       :
HashString : A135923FB8E579463F312B69528D243C
Keith Hill
lol I was throwing all sorts of things at get-hash and it never occurred to me to pipe the string to it. trying now.
Aaron Wurthmann
Darn! I was so hopeful. They don't match. Perl gives: a135923fb8e579463f312b69528d243c
Aaron Wurthmann
What does the perl dot syntax `'str' . 'str'` do here?
Keith Hill
Looks like they do a combine. So the command should be:'this-is-my-keysecret1283473470' | Get-Hash -StringEncoding ascii
Aaron Wurthmann
Hmm.. can't seem to pipe variables to Get-hash... also looks like I'll have to convert to lowercase.
Aaron Wurthmann
Hmm, works for me - see updated answer. How are you attempting to pipe the variable?
Keith Hill
Got it! Thanks Keith you are the man.. again!
Aaron Wurthmann

Alright here is is, in large part due to Keith Hill's direction. Mind you in this case I found it best to specify [string] everywhere, this is more or less just based on being consistent it only needs to be specified in two of the lines.

[string]$CAPhash=$string | Get-Hash -StringEncoding ascii

I'm not sure if there is a way to combine the last two lines into one. For the moment I am pleased with what I have.

Aaron Wurthmann