We have an internal website for document management. When you choose to open a document, it run the following script to open the file:
<a href="javascript:opendokument('P:\\01\\2-010-01.doc')">012-010-01</a>
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
function opendokument(dokument){
var objAppl;
objAppl = GetObject("","Word.Application");
objAppl = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
objAppl.Visible = true;
objAppl = null;
The problem is that the macros in the document is not running correctly now as we move from Windows XP with Office 2003 to Windows 7 with Office 2007 (See my previous post)
If I run the script locally on my computer or if I open the documents manually macros work properly. How do I get this to work? Any setting I can do in Word or Internet Explorer, or can I rewrite the script on the site that open documents.