I have Event belongsTo Venue association. When a user tries to delete a venue, I don't want it to happen when one or more event is associated with it. What's the most automagic way to do it?
I have Event belongsTo Venue association. When a user tries to delete a venue, I don't want it to happen when one or more event is associated with it. What's the most automagic way to do it?
If you setup a counterCache on the relationship and use deleteAll instead of delete you can pass conditions to the delete query based on the number of events attached to the venue.
* Event Model
* uses table events
* @fields array( id, venue_id, ... )
class Event extends AppModel {
public $name = "Event";
// setup the relationship to venues table with a counterCache
public $belongsTo = array(
'Venue' => array(
'className' => 'Venue',
'counterCache' => true
* Venue Model
* uses venues table
* @fields array( id, event_count, ... )
class Venue extends AppModel {
public $name = "Venue";
// setup the relationship to events table
public $hasMany = array(
'Event' => array(
'className' => 'Event',
* Venues Controller
* example of a delete function using deleteAll to include conditions instead of delete which only takes an id
class VenuesController extends AppController {
* delete a venue
* checks to make sure a venue has no events and then deletes it.
public function delete( $id = null ){
if( $id ){
// make sure the conditions array checks for event_count re: counterCache
$conditions = array( 'Venue.id' => $id, 'Venue.event_count' => 0 );
// run deleteAll but enable callbacks so that the deleteAll functions as a normal delete
( $this->Venue->deleteAll( $conditions, true, true )) ? $this->Session->setFlash( "Event deleted" ) : $this->Session->setFlash( "Event still has attached events and could not be deleted." );
return $this->redirect( array( 'controller' => 'venues', 'action' => 'index' ));
If you're using InnoDB tables you can add a foreign key constraint that prevents Venues from being deleted if it has events and if the Venue ID is updated, it automatically updates the venue_id values in the events table.
Or something like that anyway.
It just an option that you can use if you want that adds that extra robustness at the data level in case there is a bug in your app that prevents the restriction being detected in the code. I would add it in the code as well so your app doesn't get an SQL warning/error.