I have the following line in a Nagios bash script. It is being used to get the up and down error rates for the specified network cards:
if=`awk -v interface="$INTERFACE" '$1 ~ "^" interface ":" { split($0, a, /: */); $0 = a[2]; print $3 " " $11 }' /proc/net/dev`
I've never worked with awk before today, so I'm finding my way a bit.
As I see it, we pass the value $INTERFACE into the awk script as interface, and then filter for lines beginning interface:
(eg eth0:). Then, we split the line using colon-space as a separator. Then, for some reason we assign the third entry in the array to $0 before actually extracting the values we want.
It seems to me that the statements split($0, a, /: */)
and $0 = a[2]
are unecessary but I may be wrong! Does the assigning of a[2] to $0 change anything when we then refer to $3 and $11? I've tried the script without the first two statements and the output is the same, but perhaps there's a corner case I've missed...
Thanks in advance