Can anyone see any problems with this Producer/Consumer unique keyed buffer impl? The idea is if you add items for processing with the same key only the lastest value will be processed and the old/existing value will be thrown away.
public sealed class PCKeyedBuffer<K,V>
private readonly object _locker = new object();
private readonly Thread _worker;
private readonly IDictionary<K, V> _items = new Dictionary<K, V>();
private readonly Action<V> _action;
private volatile bool _shutdown;
public PCKeyedBuffer(Action<V> action)
_action = action;
(_worker = new Thread(Consume)).Start();
public void Shutdown(bool waitForWorker)
_shutdown = true;
if (waitForWorker)
public void Add(K key, V value)
lock (_locker)
_items[key] = value;
private void Consume()
while (true)
IList<V> values;
lock (_locker)
while (_items.Count == 0) Monitor.Wait(_locker);
values = new List<V>(_items.Values);
foreach (V value in values)
if(_shutdown) return;
static void Main(string[] args)
PCKeyedBuffer<string, double> l = new PCKeyedBuffer<string, double>(delegate(double d)
"Processed: " + d.ToString());
for (double i = 0; i < 100; i++)
l.Add(i.ToString(), i);
for (double i = 0; i < 100; i++)
l.Add(i.ToString(), i);
for (double i = 0; i < 100; i++)
l.Add(i.ToString(), i);
Console.WriteLine("Done Enqeueing");