




I'm using MSTest for testing and when I want to apply more inputs then the test looks like this:

public void SumTest()
  // data to test
  var items = new [] {
    new { First = 1, Second = 1, Expected = 2 },
    new { First = -1, Second = 1, Expected = 0 },
    new { First = 1, Second = 2, Expected = 3 },
    new { First = 1, Second = -1, Expected = 0 },

  ICalculator target = GetSum(); // can be in the loop body

  foreach(var item in items)
    var actual = target.Sum(item.First, item.Second);
    Assert.AreEqual(item.Expected, actual);

I feel that this kind of testing is not the right way. I.e. I would like to separate testing data generation and testing itself.

I know, there is "data driven test" support in MSTest but it isn't sufficient for me:

  1. The items collection cannot be generated using some algorithm.
  2. I cannot use non-primitive types.

So what is your suggestion for this kind of tests?

I would like to have something like this but I'm not sure if this is the right way and if some testing framework supports this scenario.

public IEnumerable<object> SumTestData()
  yield return new { First = 1, Second = 1, Expected = 2 };
  yield return new { First = -1, Second = 1, Expected = 0 };
  yield return new { First = 1, Second = 2, Expected = 3 };
  yield return new { First = 1, Second = -1, Expected = 0 };

public void SumTest(int first, int second, int expected)
  // this test is runned for each item that is got from SumTestData method
  // (property -> parameter mapping is no problem)
  ICalculator target = GetSum();
  var actual = target.Sum(first, second);
  Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
+1  A: 

NUnit supports that scenario:

public IEnumerable SumTestData() {
    var cases = new List<TestCaseData>();
    cases.Add(new TestCaseData(1, 1, 2));
    cases.Add(new TestCaseData(-1, 1, 0));
    cases.Add(new TestCaseData(1, 2, 3));
    cases.Add(new TestCaseData(1, -1, 0));
    return cases

public void SumTest(int first, int second, int expected) {

The parameters can be any type. The TestCaseData constructor takes a param array of objects, so you just have to make sure that your test values are castable to the actual test method parameter types.

Christian Hayter

MSTest (and NUnit) allows you to identify methods that are run either before each test or when the test class is instantiated.

So you can extract a method that sets up your test data and have it run before your tests are run.

In MSTest you can use the TestInitializeAttribute to identify a method that is run before each test and you can use the ClassInitializeAttribute to identify a method that is run once when the test class is created.

Rune Grimstad
+2  A: can do such stuff: see [Theory] attribute details

looks something like this:

        [InlineData(SourceType.BackupFile, "RestoreMode")]
        [InlineData(SourceType.ExistingDatabase, "MonitorMode")]
        public void ShouldShowProperReportDependentOnSource(SourceType sourceType, string commandMode)