I have a number of arrays
double foo[][2] = { {1.0,3.0}, {2.6,10.0}, {0.0,0.0} };
double bar[][2] = { {1.4,3.2}, {2.1,9.9}, {2.1,9.9}, {2.1,9.9}, {0.0,0.0} };
So these are both of type:
double (*)[2]
I want to make an array of these so I need to declare an array of type pointer to array[2]
double ((*array)[2])[] = {foo, bar};
This syntax doesn't work - is it possible to do this in C.
I also tried to create a type but this didn't work either:
typedef double *mytype[2] ;
mytype array[] = {foo, bar};