This is in ASP.NET. We are using a ExtJS frontend, and have our own VB.NET controls to make all the Ext Forms and stuff. However, I hope this can be done in plain javascript. There is already some Javascript on the page for the 'Test Connection' button click and handling the result.
However, I need validation on the screen to make sure that a user tests the connection BEFORE saving the screen. (Hits the test button before hitting the save button) -- EACH time they visit the screen.
Here is the code for the page:
<%@ Page Language="VB" Inherits="Core.Web.EditBaseView" %>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function testConnection() {
Global.mask('Testing Connection...');
KBBConnectorController.TestConnection(function(result) { testConnectionCallback(result) });
function testConnectionCallback(result) {
if (result.Data.Result) {
Global.alert("Connection to KBB Successful.");
else {
Global.alertError(result.Data.Messages[0].Text, result.Data.ExceptionId);
function Validate() {
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<div style="display:none">
<% =Html.DropDownList("ddlMarketValues", TryCast(Model.MarketValues, SelectList))%>
Using KBBForm As New WebControls.Forms.Form
With KBBForm
.OnValidate = "Validate"
.ID = "KBB"
.ItemName = "connector"
With .Toolbar
.UseDefaultButtons = False
.AddButton("Test Connection", "testConnection", "icon-button-testconnection", , "Test connectione")
End With
With .CenterRegion
.Id = "centerRegion"
With .AddFieldSet("Activate Service")
.Id = "activate"
.LabelWidth = 0
Dim cb As New Forms.Control("IsActive", "", "", Model.IsActive, Forms.Control.ControlType.CheckBox)
cb.BoxLabel = "Activate Service"
End With
With .AddFieldSet("Connection Parameters")
.Id = "params"
.LabelWidth = 150
.AddControl(New Forms.Control("UserName", "", "User Name", Model.UserName, Forms.Control.ControlType.TextField))
.AddControl(New Forms.Control("Password", "", "Password", Model.Password, Forms.Control.ControlType.Password))
.AddControl(New Forms.Control("LoginUrl", "", "URL", Model.LoginUrl))
With .AddControl(New Forms.Control("ddlMarketValues", "", "Market Value", , Forms.Control.ControlType.ComboBox))
.Id = "ddlMarketValues"
End With
End With
End With
End With
End Using
As you can see I put an OnValidate function in there but it's blank, and you can see that it's tied to the Form as well. I tried fooling around with that but I could only put something together that would ask me to test every single time I clicked Save, and it wouldn't know if I already tested or not.
Any help? Thanks ahead of time.