Good Morning All,
I'm trying to refactor an SQL stored procedure. I'm no SQL expert, but something tells me there must be a better way to do this.
IF @ipv_dtEndDate IS NOT NULL
SET @ipv_dtEndDate = DATEADD(hh,23,@ipv_dtEndDate)
SET @ipv_dtEndDate = DATEADD(mi,59,@ipv_dtEndDate)
SET @ipv_dtEndDate = DATEADD(ss,59,@ipv_dtEndDate)
This value is used later inside a WHERE
clause. These filters seem difficult to understand to me. I was hoping to come up with a cleaner implementation.
AND qtrh.StatusTime <= IsNull(@ipv_dtEndDate, qtrh.StatusTime)
And this date calculation...
AND DATEDIFF(ss,qtrh.StatusTime,ISNULL(@dtNow,DATEADD(ss,-1,qtrh.StatusTime))) < DATEDIFF(ss,ISNULL(@dtDateOptionCompare,GETDATE()),GETDATE())
... seems quite convoluted and unreadable. If any SQL gurus out there have some suggestions on how I can improve this, I would love to hear some ideas. Thanks for your time. Have a terrific holiday weekend.
~ck in San Diego