



Lets say I have this XML file:

   <current-condition iconUrl="http://...."&gt;Sunny&lt;/current-condition&gt;

I'm trying to create a C# class to represent this using Attributes in order to call XmlSerializer and have strongly typed tag access. I think the structure will look something like this:

public class WeatherData
    public string Temp { get; set; }

    public CurrentCondition currentCond = new CurrentCondition();

public class CurrentCondition
    public string IconUrl { get; set; }

    // Representation of Inner Text?

Representing the 'temp' tag was straight forward. However, given a tag like current-condition which has both inner text and an attribute, how do I represent the inner text?

I'm likely over-complicating this, so please feel free to suggest an alternative.

+3  A: 

Use [XmlText] to describe the inner text content.

public class CurrentCondition
    public string IconUrl { get; set; }

    // Representation of Inner Text:
    public string ConditionValue { get; set; }
John Saunders
I saw this a couple times looking through MSDN; this proves I definitely didn't read it very carefully! Thanks!
Jeff Dalley