



With help from the community last week, I successfully implemented this code here

Now i need to do something similar but now compare html text with [title]. My code so far is below:

$(document).ready(function() {

 $(".views-field-field-success-stories-image-data .field-content").click(function() {
   var sharedata = $(this).text();
   $('#bannerContainer img[title = "'+sharedata+'" ]').addClass('selected');
 $("#bannerContainer img").click(function() {
  if (
   $('#bannerContainer img').hasClass('selected', $('#bannerContainer img').removeClass('selected') ) );


      <span class="field-content">The Grand Event Center</span>
      <span class="field-content">Choura Events Catering</span>
      <span class="field-content">El Dorado Park Golf Course</span>

<div id="bannerContainer">
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class="selected">
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class="selected"> 
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class="selected">

<!--- My Goal
<div id="bannerContainer">
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class="">
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class=""> 
 <img src="1.jpg" title="The Grand Event Center" class="selected">
</div> ---->

I am having trouble wrapping my head around toggleClass for some reason.

Currently, if i click on any one of the spans, the 'selected' sticks and doesnt leave when i click on any another span.

What am I missing?

thanks in advance!


I usually accomplish this by just removing the class from all the related elements right before I add the class to the current element (the one you just selected).

$(document).ready(function() {
 $(".views-field-field-success-stories-image-data .field-content").click(function() {

   // Add this next line
   $("#bannerContainer img").removeClass("selected");

   var sharedata = $(this).text();
   $('#bannerContainer img[title = "'+sharedata+'" ]').addClass('selected');
 $("#bannerContainer img").click(function() {
  if (
   $('#bannerContainer img').hasClass('selected', $('#bannerContainer     img').removeClass('selected') ) );
thanks I will see if it works.
Perfecto! This might be a whole other question but I keep running into the problem when I want to use z-index in order change images, IE 6 and 7 don't read it. any hints?thanks again!
Yeah, it's a whole other question. - If my answer works for you, you should mark it as the accepted answer by pressing the check mark to the left.

how about removing the 'selected' class from all elements that have it, before setting it again on the one element?

Moin Zaman