Suppose I have a state monad such as:
data Registers = Reg {...}
data ST = ST {registers :: Registers,
memory :: Array Int Int}
newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> (ST, a)}
instance Monad Op where
return a = Op $ \st -> (st, a)
(>>=) stf f = Op $ \st -> let (st1, a1) = runOp stf st
(st2, a2) = runOp (f a1) st1
in (st2, a2)
with functions like
getState :: (ST -> a) -> Op a
getState g = Op (\st -> (st, g st)
updState :: (ST -> ST) -> Op ()
updState g = Op (\st -> (g st, ()))
and so forth. I want to combine various operations in this monad with IO actions. So I could either write an evaluation loop in which operations in this monad were performed and an IO action is executed with the result, or, I think, I should be able to do something like the following:
newtype Op a = Op {runOp :: ST -> IO (ST, a)}
Printing functions would have type Op () and other functions would have type Op a, e.g., I could read a character from the terminal using a function of type IO Char. However, I'm not sure what such a function would look like, since e.g., the following is not valid.
runOp (do x <- getLine; setMem 10 ... (read x :: Int) ... ) st
since getLine has type IO Char, but this expression would have type Op Char. In outline, how would I do this?