Create_date -> Assume it will record as 5/2/2009. For search purposes when searching create date can we search by individual month or year from this or do we need to even record a create_day, create_month, crate_year for this? Once of the search filters for user content will be like example -> "Show content from last 2 weeks, last month, last year, current month only"
create_day -> While we record numeric date, many times for we may need to display the text day (ie: Thursday) to show when the object was created. Like we see on social websites "created on Thursday, Jan 29, 2009 at 3:45pm". To get this output, do we need to record a create_day for all objects / activities or is it calculated on each page load at application level?
create_time -> What time are we storing in DB? User local time or a fixed time? This is a global website. If fixed then let's say I do GMT by default. Then next question is how to display the correct time to a user so it matches his local time? Must factor into calculation that in US time changes twice a year (day light savings). OR, maybe record time always in GMT but display it to users based on their detected time zone,but then that means calculating time from timezone on each page load?
And since I am here, a side Q-> Any difference between lookup and reference table? How to distinguish these two tables -> "Account_status" which has values Active, Confirmed, etc... AND another table "City" which has city names. First table is a system ID table used in back end only. The city table is ID table used by users to select city from. Are these both lookup or reference or same/different?