[Disclaimer] I am very new to Haskell (and any FPL for that matter), just started learning today by reading YAHT. So my code might look "funny". Any help to improve the coding style would be appreciated as well.
I was trying to write a function in Haskell that generates a list with series 1 to n for a given value of n, starting with +1 and toggling the sign first after 1 number, then 2, then 3 and so on.
e.g. series 16 should produce [1,-2,-3,4,5,6,-7,-8,-9,-10,11,12,13,14,15,-16] (1 positive, 2 negative, 3 positive, 4 negative, ...).
I found that the sign changes after each triangular number, which equals the sum of first few natural numbers.
So I wrote this code:
module Test
--It accepts n and k, prints numbers 1 to n, starting with +1 and toggling their sign after each triangular number
series 0 = []
series n =
if isTriangular n
then series (getPrevTri n (n-1)) ++ getSeries (odd (n + (getPrevTri n (n-1)))) ((getPrevTri n (n-1)) + 1) (n - (getPrevTri n (n-1)))
else series (getPrevTri n (n-1)) ++ getSeries (odd ((getNextTri n (n+1)) + (getPrevTri n (n-1)))) ((getPrevTri n (n-1)) + 1) (n - (getPrevTri n (n-1)))
--The sign is negative for those numbers which follow an odd triangular number AND the triangular number previous to it is even
--OR an even number AND the triangular number previous to it is odd.
getSeries sign start 0 = []
getSeries sign start n =
if sign == True
then [start] ++ getSeries True (start+1) (n-1)
else [-start] ++ getSeries False (start+1) (n-1)
--Checks whether n is a triangular number or not
isTriangular 0 = False
isTriangular n =
checkSum n 1
--Checks whether n is equal to sum of first few natural numbers, starting from k
checkSum n 0 = False
checkSum n k =
if n == (k * k + k)/ 2
then True
else if n > (k * k + k)/ 2
then checkSum n (k+1)
else False
--Gets the triangular number just smaller than n, descending from k
getPrevTri 0 k = 0
getPrevTri n k =
if k <= n
then if isTriangular k
then truncate k
else getPrevTri n (k-1)
else 0
--Gets the triangular number just greater than n, starting from k
getNextTri 0 k = 1
getNextTri n k =
if k >= n
then if isTriangular k
then truncate k
else getNextTri n (k+1)
else 0
I had to add a call to "truncate" in "getPrevTri" and "gerNextTri" since it started producing fractional numbers. But still I'm getting this error:
*Test> :load "Test.hs"
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Test.
*Test> series 16
Ambiguous type variable `t' in the constraints:
`Integral t' arising from a use of `series' at <interactive>:1:0-8
`RealFrac t' arising from a use of `series' at <interactive>:1:0-8
Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Could someone explain what is the source of this error?
And what does surprise me is that when I tried to debug this code, I modified it to http://pastebin.ca/1932564 which produced the similar error.
And then to http://pastebin.ca/1932556 and it surprisingly caused no error.
(Please find the output at the end of the respective posts.)
What I infer from it is that a call to
isTriangular n
causes a type error in
odd n
How is it possible when Haskell is a "pure" FPL and in which functions do not have any side effects?
I used GHCi, version 6.12.3 for these codes, on a Windows 7 x64 machine.