



Hi Ray,

Did you ever solve the following problem? I am experiencing it. I'm running Windows 7 x64.

"I was able to find a Delphi 2007 installer that had the December 2007 update. This installed OK, though the help did not install (displaying message "Error", then exiting). It runs OK, and I have also run the updater, which Identifies a May help update which when installed presents the same error message, which is a annoying! – Raymond Wilson Jan 28 at 23:08"

Can you suggest a solution?


I use the following.

Download an install the Delphi XE 30-days trial. Then install the help from Delphi XE.

Even though I don't use the new Delphi XE i still use the new help as a reference. It has lots of newly documented stuff.

Gad D Lord
Thanks, i have got Help for other versions of Delphi including 2009, 2010, XE, but i was hoping to be able to use the help files specifically from Delphi 2007. Anyone else have any ideas?
Jared Davison

May be you'll find this IDE expert helpful (video demo).

You may have any numbers of help systems in your IDE (incl. D7 or

Thanks Alexander. That looks like a very cool help tool for all IDEs. I will try it out.
Jared Davison