



I'm noticing something very strange with Chrome/Ubuntu, seen also on the JQuery mousemove page here.

When I use the wheel to scroll vertically, I get new coordinates in pageX, pageY, but the pageY seems to be about 50px-60px off.

I can see this because as soon as I move the mouse a little to the side, the Y coordinate suddenly jumps a lot.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong, or how to get the "true" pageY coordinate?

Edit1: I now see that on windows I don't get mousemove events at all when scrolling with the wheel.

  • Binding to the window scroll event will fire when the mouse wheel is used
  • Binding to mousemove event will fire when the mouse is moved

The coordinates are then calculated as follows:

PageX = ClientX + document.body.scrollLeft PageY = ClientY + document.body.scrollTop
