first: always is the same action. two: the form has multiple "CSS SUBMITS" like
<form action="/myaction" method="POST">
<a id="foo1" name="foo1" href="#" role="form_button">submit1!</a>
<a id="foo2" name="foo2" href="#" role="form_button">submit2!</a>
<a id="foo3" name="foo3" href="#" role="form_button">submit3!</a>
<input type="submit" id="canfoo" name="canfoo" value="I can process this"/>
$('a[role=form_button], div[role=form_button], span[role=form_button]').bind( 'click', function(){ $('form').submit(); } );
how can I do in /myaction this:
if ($_POST['foo1']) { action; return; } // :(
if ($_POST['foo2']) { action; return; } // :(
if ($_POST['foo3']) { action; return; } // :(
if ($_POST['canfoo']) { action; return; } // THIS WORKKKKKSS!!
How can I do to foo1, foo2, foo3 to work?
(I use jQuery like:
$('a[role=form_button], div[role=form_button], span[role=form_button]').bind( 'click', function(){ $('#actiontodo').val(; $('form').submit(); } );
), then, in the other side (action),
I do:
IF ($_POST['ACTIONTODO'] == "foo") { action; return; }
BUT, I DON'T LIKE THIS SOLUTION! I WANT THE <A behave as well as <input type="submit"
Thank you very much for your help!