At work we recently upgraded from Microsoft SQL Server 7 to SQL 2005. The database engine is a lot more advanced, but the management studio is pretty awful in a number of ways. Most of our developers decided they preferred to stick with the old Query Analyzer tool, even though it had a lot of limitations.
In my spare time, I decided to write a replacement for Query Analyzer / Management Studio that did the things our developers most needed to do. I finally got permission to release it for free: Versabanq Squel (
Like I said, it's free, so this isn't a sales pitch. But it got me thinking. What I'm wondering is: are most of you satisfied with SQL Studio the way it is? Do people just use it because it's what Microsoft pushes on them? Are there many people out there looking for something better? Maybe I can get some support for long-term development of this, if it looks like there might be some wider interest.
By the way, check out SQL Server Management Studio Alternatives, someone else's earlier question on this topic. What I see there is that there are surprisingly few options. Why do you think that is?