



Possible Duplicate:
Finalize vs Dispose


Recently I was quizzed in an interview about finalize and dispose. When is each one of them used and how is Garbage Collector related to them. Kindly share links to enlighten more on the topic.

Kindly share ...

Thanks in advance.

+4  A: 
  1. Finalize: undeterministic nondeterministic destructor/finalizer called automatically by the Garbage Collector when there are no more references to this instance.
  2. Dispose: deterministically called by the developer on an object implementing IDisposable to free resources.
Darin Dimitrov
I think "nondeterministic" is the right word here.
Steven Sudit
@Steven, my English is very poor. Thanks for pointing this out.
Darin Dimitrov
So if the developer implements IDisposable then would Finalize still be called by the GC ?
Yes it will when the object falls out of scope and when the CLR decides that it is a good time to perform a GC.
Darin Dimitrov
No, your English was completely understandable. I was just being picky about exactly the right word.
Steven Sudit
@Steven, no you are not picky, you are precise, it is important to use right words, programming is a precise science.
Darin Dimitrov
Note that the GC doesn't call the finalizer when there are no more references to the object, but when it actually has tried to dispose the object the first time.
"So if the developer implements IDisposable then would Finalize still be called by the GC " - if the developer implements the usual IDisposable pattern (see MSDN), then the Dispose method will call GC.SuppressFinalize, which will prevent the system from calling the Finalizer.
+3  A: 

Finalizers are run by the Garbage Collection before an object that is eligible for collection is reclaimed. Dispose() is meant for cleaning up unmanaged resources, like network connections, files, handles to OS stuff, &c. It works best in conjunction with the using block where the compiler makes sure that Dispose() will be called immediately once you are done with an object – and also ensures that you cannot work with the object anymore once it's disposed.

Note that finalizers don't have to run, so relying on that can be dangerous:

What this means for you: Your programs cannot rely on finalizers keeping things tidy. Finalizers are a safety net, not a primary means for resource reclamation. When you are finished with a resource, you need to release it by calling Close or Disconnect or whatever cleanup method is available on the object. (The IDisposable interface codifies this convention.)

Careful also with the precise time when an object becomes eligible for collection. Read the article linked above – it's neither scope (a weird word which has noting to do with the lifetime of an object – it's “the region of program text in which it is legal to refer to [a named entity] by its unqualified name.”) nor is it strictly reference counting as an object can become eligible for collection even before the last reference to it goes away.

+1 for sharing some good links.