




Hello, I have an array filled with values (twitter ids) and I would like to find the missing data between the lowest id and the highest id? Any care to share a simple function or idea on how to do this?

Also, I was wondering if I can do the same with mySQL? I have the key indexed. The table contains 250k rows right now, so a temporary table and then a join wouldn't be very fast or efficient. I could do a PHP loop to loop through the data, but that would also take a long time, and a great deal of memory. Is there a specific mysql query I can run? or can I somehow use the function from above with this?

Thanks, James Hartig http://twittertrend.net

+1  A: 

Do you mean sequential ID's?

In that case

$new_ids = range($lowid, $highid, 1);
$ids = array_merge($ids, $new_ids);
$ids = array_unique($ids);

And in SQL (with placeholders)

SELECT key, other_data from `table` WHERE key > :low_id AND key < :high_id
your sql statement makes no sense? It would just return all the ids between the max and min? It wouldn't find the missing values.
James Hartig
How can you 'find' missing values... he retrieves the existing values and subtract those from the full range. should work
Eran Galperin
The sql query finds all values in the database that are in between the high and low key. That's what I understood your question to mean. If you want to find the keys that are not in the database, I think all solutions would involve a temporary table (implicit or explicit) and a join.
+1  A: 

Your range() gave me a good idea, your code didn't work as unique preserves unique keys, so I was just left with the range functions result.

However, this worked:

$diff = array_values(array_diff(range(min($array), max($array), 1), $array)); //returns array of incomplete values
James Hartig
You could just use array_values for his solution. You didn't specify that keys should be reset, just a list of missing id's. But this solution is like Id make it myself.
+1  A: 

I had a similar requirement and wrote a function that would return a list of missing IDs.

create function dbo.FreeIDs ()
returns @tbl table (FreeID int)


    declare @Max int
    declare @i int

    select @Max = MAX(ID) from [TheTable]
    set @i = 0

    while @i < @Max begin
          set @i = @i + 1
          if not exists (select * from [TheTable] where ID = @i) 
             insert into @tbl select @i

