


+1  A: 

Codebase provides a solid portable lightweight fast isam with transactions.

le dorfier
Hmm. I downloaded the Codebase example and it's pretty slow compared with SQLite.
Peter K.
+1  A: 

If your embedded system has access to the .NET framework, you can embed VistaDB.

Joel Meador
+2  A: 

Apple's iPhone (and iPod Touch) uses the SQLite DB for a lot of its functions, so there's definitely a proven flash-based platform there. However, I doubt the amount of data in any of those tables has > 500k rows.

Marc Novakowski
Marc, I'm accepting this answer because it gave me the most new information! Thanks!
Peter K.
+2  A: 

I think this Wikipedia RDBMS comparison might help you in making your choice.

But I don't understand why you have your specific NVRAM requirement.

We need the system to preserve all information, even during a power failure. The NVRAM needs to keep information about any transactions that were in progress when the power failed.
Peter K.
That's what a transaction log does. It's written before a transaction starts, and can then be used to rollback or re-apply after a power failure.
@RoadWarrior: OK, I've heard it called different things. Thanks for clarification. Our aim is to have the transaction log in NVRAM.
Peter K.