



I'm writing an ASP.NET MVC site where I'm using LINQ to SQL to access my SQL Server database. In my database, I have the following tables:


  • PostID - int, PK, identity
  • Text - nvarchar(MAX)
  • PublishDate - datetime
  • etc.


  • PostTagID - int, PK, identity
  • PostID - FK to PK to Posts table
  • TagID - FK to PK to Tags table


  • TagID - int, PK, identity
  • TagName - varchar(100)

Each Post must have at least 1 Tag, so it's a single-to-many relationship.

I'm trying to build a tag search function. I want to accept a Tag as a parameter and return the first 25 Posts that have that tag, ordered by PublishDate descending. Here's my current LINQ to SQL code:

    var query = (from post in db.Posts
                join posttag in db.PostTags
                on post.PostID equals posttag.PostID
                where posttag.Tag.TagName==tag
                select post).OrderByDescending(p=>p.DateOfPublish).Take(25);

However, I think that my code is wrong, because it doesn't seem to respect the single-to-many relationship between Posts and Tags.

How can I improve my code? Thanks in advance!

+1  A: 
var query = (from post in db.Posts 
                    from posttag in db.PostTags
                    join tags in db.Tags
                    on posttag.TagID equals tags.TagID   
                    where tags.TagName == tag select posttag.PostID
            orderby post.PublishDate descending 
            select post).Take(25);
Awesome, thanks, going to try it out now. By the way, Visual Studio is complaining that the "on ..." line should be "on posttag.TagID equals tags.TagID".
Maxim Zaslavsky
@Maxim Zaslavsky really? for me it's the big news. thank you (fixed).
I can't see how this could possibly be better than the original code unless `PostTags` can have duplicate records (in which case you have a problem with your design).
Adam Robinson