




I need a table which has two columns:

First column have an ID Second column have an ID to.

like two person who are friend then first's ID in first and second's ID in second but

if I need to check the first user's friend then I need to check by two condition

check the friend by first column 

check the friend by second column

What would be the best way to create this structure.

+3  A: 

You may create table Friends with columns:

   UserId   int
   FriendId  int

And check does user have friends by just one operation:

 SELECT Count(*)
 FROM Friends
 WHERE (UserId = @YourUserId or FriendId = @YourUserId)
Michael Pakhantsov
very very thanks
steven spielberg

To avoid two checks you should always insert rows with the first ID being greater than the second. That way if you have to check if A and B are friends you will have just one check to do
