



Hi, I'd like to create a game with some kind of a Roulette Wheel with C#.

I have no relevant experience in GUI.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I want to develop such Roulette Wheel, is silver light but I prefer to implement it in a winform (unless you think otherwise).

If you can give me some ideas were to start... 1. How can I create the wheel 2. How can I make the ball go over it (don't want 3D grapics with bouncing and other fantastic ideas)

And please, as simple and basic as possible

Thanks Asaf

+1  A: 

You can create a gif of a spinning wheel the slowly slows down. Then you can plot the known relative co-ordinates of each of the balls finishing positions.

For example 00 might be at the top when the animation has finished. In your page generate a random number (pseduo random is fine for a roulette wheel where no real money is being staked!), and have a ball gif. Use javascript to 'spin' the ball in the opposite direction of the wheel gif and slowly come to a stop the same time as the wheel animation, finishing at your plotted known co-ordinates.

Hope this gives you some ideas. There are several ways to do this!

Tom Gullen
+4  A: 

Microsoft released a great framework for 2D and 3D game developemnt - XNA. You can easily add sounds and keyboard events to your game. There is also possibility to put your game onto a windows Forms. Here is a blog post about this by Roy Triesscheijn:

I've learned XNA 2D basics in one day so you shuld check it out.

Check out also this tutorial, it's really nice and for absolute beginner:

Andrzej Nosal
+1 Thank you so much I feel like a kid that got his first toy, I didn't know this exist - you showed me a new wonder world- a lot to explore :) Thanks.
+3  A: 

Windows Forms has this amazing feature called nonrectangular forms wherein you can create "shaped" forms like polygons etc. Perhaps that can help you create the wheel.

Child controls placed on that form can act like the wedges on the wedges. Again, these "child controls" themselves could be nonrectangular forms.

I think it would be way easier if you opt for WPF for this instead of Winforms. WPF offers a wide range of controls and features that seem tailormade for such applications.

Mamta Dalal