Hi, I have a XML document which looks something like this:
<events> <event category="gymnastics" subcategory="rhythmic" date="5" venue="ig stadium"> <id>1</id> </event> <event category="gymnastics" subcategory="test" date="6" venue="jn stadium"> <id>2</id> </event> <event category="athletics" subcategory="sprint" date="5" venue="ig stadium"> <id>3</id> </event> <event category="athletics" subcategory="marathon" date="6" venue="jn stadium"> <id>4</id> </event> <event category="swimming" subcategory="freestyle" date="7" venue="ig stadium"> <id>5</id> </event> </events>
So now when I issue a XPath query to MiniXPath like this in order to get nodes with category=gymnastics and subcategory=rhythmic: //events/event[@category="gymnastics" and @subcategory="rhythmic"]
,the program crashes and fails to give any output. Is the path syntax right? Is MiniXPath feature complete? Is there any other XPath library that I can use on a mobile in a J2ME environment.