This subject has been touched on before, but there's been some time since the last question regarding namespace handling.
Is there a cross-browser solution to get the elements by name in Javascript?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<NS:response success="1" xmlns:NS="http://someURI/ns">
<NS:user firstname="foo" lastname="bar"></NS:user>
<NS:cookie value="2c0ea35bcac2e05d439609367a236b28" name="session"></NS:cookie>
So far what I've got:
var oXML = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(xmlstring, "text/xml");
var root = oXML.documentElement;
var user = typeof(user=root.getElementsByTagName(root.prefix + ':user')[0]) === "undefined"
Hasn't been tested in IE, but if anyone has any cross-browser solution, I'd be willing to hear.
Other Considerations:
- getElementsByTagNameNS() - am trying to avoid having to specify the namespace/uri
- using regex to strip the namespace before creating the XML document
- not using a namespace - I have that option, but would not like to go that route